Holiday Wrap Up

We had a delightful gathering at the Legion Golf Course Greenside Grill on Saturday, December 7. Thanks so much to our planning committee – Joni, MaryVee, Kari, Tim, Jackie, Holly, John, Dotti – and our hosts, Rex and Bambi from the Greenside Grill.

We raised money for both Christmas House and Volunteers of America and collected a whole bunch of toys.

We also got to honor the creativity and holiday joy of several neighbors who decorated their homes for the season. Thank you to everyone who adds to the light of the season! Click the button to view the homes /neighbors who won on our Facebook page.

November Meeting and Minutes

We spent our November meeting thinking ahead to 2020, and thinking about how to help our community this holiday season.

The U.S. Census is happening in 2020 and they’re looking for census takers (or enumerators) and also field supervisors. You can learn more at

We also heard from two students who support the Everett Community College Food Pantry that not only supports students, but also faculty and staff. Learn more about their hours, needs and how you can help at

View the full meeting minutes here:

November 21, 2019 Northwest Minutes –

2019 Halloween Decorating Contest

  • Best Daytime – 1322 and 1328 Colby

The houses we honored for Best Daytime were late set-ups in 2018 and we’re so pleased that we got to award them this year. Check out this two house display across from the hospital!

  • Best Nighttime – 1504 Grand

Randy likes to win. He was recently recognized with a Rejuvenation and Transformation Monte Cristo Award. When I sent out the “nominate your neighbor” form, he nominated himself several times in each of the categories. The judges selected his home for Best Nighttime because of the creative lights and scary appearance.

  • Best Overall – 1219 Hoyt

And, finally, there was a house that just creeped everyone out. Even Julie Muhlstein, neighbor and writer for the Everett Herald featured this home. Inspired by the 1976 movie, The Omen, it featured Mandy the nanny, graveyard, swaying ghosts, and a wonderful scene both day and night.

Congratulations to our Halloween Decorating Contest winners!!! Best Overall – 1219 Hoyt, Best Daytime – 1322 and 1328…

Posted by Northwest Neighborhood (North Everett) on Wednesday, October 30, 2019

NW Neighborhood Clean-up Day

The neighborhood has hosted a clean up for the past 9 years now. As always, MaryVee Westlund was our gamekeeper along with Joni Smith. These ladies greeted neighbors, verified that they lived within the NW Neighborhood borders, and collected donations to off set the costs for dump fees. Usually the fees run upwards of $1500. Thank you neighbors for donating! 

Our additional excellent volunteers included Jeff Hardy, Rich Whitkop, Fran W., Tim Knopf, Kari Quaas & from EvCC, Connie Tune, Lisa Gorman, Amanda Stum, Tony & Barb Campbell. Molly Beeman, Sustainability Manager / Capital Projects from EvCC, coordinated this event again with the NW Neighborhood. Many thanks to all of these folks. Volunteers are really important for this event & we truly appreciate those that have been a part of this event. 

Next time we have a clean up, we could use a few more men to step up from the ‘hood as volunteers. 

— Shelley Sutton, Event Lead


2019 Whittier Bike to School Day

On Friday, May 17th, volunteers from the Northwest Neighborhood and Whittier PTA had no idea what to expect. We estimated around 50 students would participate in the first bike to school in partnership with the neighborhood association. It was pouring. We were a bit nervous. And, we didn’t need to be.

Over 100 students showed up with their parents, younger siblings, and adult volunteers including Everett’s Mayor Cassie Franklin. We ate snacks from Cafe Zippy, did art projects, had our bike checked by Eric from Bayside Bikes, picked up water bottle from Kulits Orthodontics, and learned about the upcoming season from the Everett AquaSox. Lots of people were under the beautifully flowering wisteria.

About 8:00 a.m. we heard from Kari Quaas, Northwest’s Chair, Jen Selders, Whittier PTA lead, and Mayor Cassie Franklin. And, then, they were off following safely behind our Everett Police escort to Whittier down Hoyt Ave. and then 10th Street. WHAT A BLAST!

Thank you to everyone who participated, our partners with Whittier PTA especially Jen Selders, Brenda White, and Whittier Principal Tony Wentworth, parents, siblings, Bayside Bikes, Kulits Orthodontics, AquaSox, Cafe Zippy and our wonderful Northwest Neighbors – Joni, Holly, Kristina, Coral, Jackie, Tim and Patrick – for greeting and cross-guarding the participants safely to Drew Nielsen Park.

2019 Whittier Bike to School Day

May Meeting, Minutes and Photos

  • 32 people attended
  • The police reported and took questions
  • Michael Brick from the City was our guest speaker – traffic, parking, speed bumps, narrow streets were discussed and many issues were noted that he will research and get back to those people.
  • JAMAF – Japanese program at EvCC was presented by Miki Aspree of the Nippon Business Institute
  • They are still seeking host families for students in July.
  • C-Vines at Zippy’s on 15th Rucker talked about what’s going, wine tasting, classes and entertainment.  Nice venue within our neighborhood.

Thanks to Robin for the summarized notes!

April Meeting, Minutes and Summary

First off, congratulations and gratitude for our 2019/2020 Neighborhood Leadership Team!

Chair: Kari Quaas
Vice Chair: Holly James
Secretary: Stephanie Prothero
Treasurer: Russ Kasselman 
Council of Neighborhood Reps:
Robin Rigdon and John Sweeney

Thanks for stepping up to lead our awesome neighborhood! And huge thanks to Kristina Perry for her three years of service as Secretary! And, also big thanks to Joni and MaryVee, and Jeff for being the welcoming committee. Our Steering Committee rocks!

Second, we had a bevy of speakers this evening. Thanks to Officer Baumgartner of the 11th Beat. Thanks to Council Members Scott Bader (official liaison) and Paul Roberts for greater city and regional updates. Thanks to Lori Cummings and Bob Leonard from Everett Parks and Community Services for the discussion of our neighborhood parks, particularly Drew Nielsen. Thanks to Megan Dunn from Everett Districts Nowfor more information about the commission to decide Everett’s future district boundaries. And, huge thanks to Tim Knopf for his rousing history of our park namesake and early neighborhood leader, Drew Nielsen.

I’ve attached some photos of tonight’s meeting and will separately post videos of Parks and Tim’s Who’s Drew?

Thanks for an awesome two years so far! I look forward to building more community in the year to come. ♥️

— Kari

View Meeting Minutes here.

March Meeting Summary, Minutes and Photos

Download the minutes as a PDF.

Download David’s summary of our zoning thoughts from the March 21st meeting as a PDF.

Really great discussion was had around planning what we want our neighborhood/our city to be. Grateful for all of the comments, points of view and conversation around where we live, its accessibility, affordability, and our future. Thanks to our guests David Stalheim (City of Everett, WA – Govt) and Mike Gaffney (Providence). 

Jeff, Mike from Providence, MaryVee and Joni
David Stalheim addressing the group.
Our new Officer Baumgardner.
More Attendees.
Our Neighborhood with the description of land use currently.

February Meeting Summary, Minutes and Photos

Our February meeting was held at Washington State University Everett and the University Center located on North Broadway. Our host and speaker was Chancellor Paul Pitre. We learned about the programs available at WSU Everett and got to tour the facility. It was a lovely time on campus! Thanks to Paul and Randy for their cooperation in setting up the visit and tour.

Here are the meeting minutes from Kristina:

February 21, 2019 Minutes


Kari Quaas, NWN Chair, introduces Chancellor Paul Pitre – Go Cougs!