May 2024 Meeting Notes

On Thursday, May 16, 2024, our special Guests were Mayor Cassie Franklin and Planner Director Yorik Stevens-Wadja. Topics included a state of the city review, an explanation of the levy lid lift, the comprehensive plan, and a Waits Motel update. The mayor answered lots of questions, and Yorik provided information about the timeline and importance of the comprehensive plan. It, too, could affect the Waits. It would be in the neighborhood’s best interest to have a replacement in unit structure built as soon as possible under the current code.

This was the night of the terrible traffic jam due to the state patrol involved shooting on I-5. We are grateful to our neighbors who reached out to travelers or offered snacks. It’s a reminder for us all to have extras in our cars and be ready for whatever.

2022 NW Neighborhood Cleanup A Success

The NORTHWEST clean up happened on Saturday, June 18 from 10-2pm at Everett Community College. Thanks to everyone who came to help keep our neighborhood clean. And, thanks to everyone who donated to help us cover the costs. We’ll provide a wrap up once the event is settled. On the day, we took in $880 in donations. THANKS!

Our Guidelines

Who: ONLY NW Neighborhood Neighbors. ID will be required and checked. You
MUST live with in our boundaries to dump. $10 donation is requested.
When: Saturday, June 18th. Rain or Shine! 10am to 2 pm or until dumpsters are full!
Where: EvCC Parking Lot next to White Horse Hall. Corner of 10th and Broadway.
(982 Broadway) Same parking lot as last year.
What: Junk & debris, Yard Waste, Furniture, and wood scrap.

Download the What We Take Flyer:

Download the Electronics Recycling Flyer:

April 2022 Meeting, Notes, and Video

We held our annual elections, and after five years of service, Kari Quaas stepped down as chair. Here is the new leadership for Northwest.

  • Chair: Holly James
  • Vice Chair: Shelley Whitkop
  • Treasurer: Russ Kasselman
  • Treasurer Intern: Kari Quaas
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #1: Tim Knopf
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #2: Brian Hennessy
  • Council of Neighborhood Alternate: Holly James

Then, Neil Anderson gave a wonderful presentation on the History of the Mills. Lots of good memory stirring slides, and some surprises. Watch the video above for his presentation.

Finally, Mary Fosse, City Councilmember from District 1 provided an update.

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Quaas, outgoing chair

NW Neighborhood Clean-up Day

The neighborhood has hosted a clean up for the past 9 years now. As always, MaryVee Westlund was our gamekeeper along with Joni Smith. These ladies greeted neighbors, verified that they lived within the NW Neighborhood borders, and collected donations to off set the costs for dump fees. Usually the fees run upwards of $1500. Thank you neighbors for donating! 

Our additional excellent volunteers included Jeff Hardy, Rich Whitkop, Fran W., Tim Knopf, Kari Quaas & from EvCC, Connie Tune, Lisa Gorman, Amanda Stum, Tony & Barb Campbell. Molly Beeman, Sustainability Manager / Capital Projects from EvCC, coordinated this event again with the NW Neighborhood. Many thanks to all of these folks. Volunteers are really important for this event & we truly appreciate those that have been a part of this event. 

Next time we have a clean up, we could use a few more men to step up from the ‘hood as volunteers. 

— Shelley Sutton, Event Lead


Cultural Exchange Opportunity with Japanese Student(s)

Here’s a message from Miki Aspree with Everett Community College. Please consider hosting a student this summer! – Kari

Greetings from Everett Community College, Nippon Business Institute and Japanese Programs! Would your family or friends be interested in hosting Japanese high school students from July 20th – August 3rd? For over 20 years, we have had high schools students from Iwakuni City (sister city of Everett) visit us for the summer exchange program. We will be hosting 15 students and 2 chaperones again this summer and are in need of host families. The host families are responsible for:

  • Dropping off/picking up student from the EvCC campus daily (normally 9am & 4:30pm, M-Th)
  • Providing a furnished room and three meals/day for the duration of their stay
  • Be able to provide a cultural experience (can be something small or big) on their free time

Since these are young students, the city prefer that students stay at homes in pairs so if you could host two students, that would be ideal. However, even if you could host one student or a chaperone, that would be helpful. Here is the stipend amount for hosting students for the 14 nights:

One student: $350 / Two students: $700

Hosting an international student can enrich the student’s and your family’s lives. It is a priceless opportunity to teach/learn about each other’s culture and to create a lifelong friendship! Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions at or 425-388-9195 or 9380.
Please help spread the word within your community

Thank you for your support and consideration!

Warm Regards,
Miki & Saeko
Nippon Business Institute (NBI) & Japanese Programs Everett Community College 2000 Tower Street Everett, WA 98201 Phone: 425-388-9195 OR 9380

Email: nbi@everettcc.eduNBI WebpageFacebookLinkedin

February Meeting Summary and Discussion

We had a super meeting on February 15th with about 40 in attendance. Our special guests were Cathy Reines and Joshua Scott from Koz Development, and Tyler Rourke from Everett Non-Motorized Transportation Association / Everett Bike Walk.  We discussed the potential student housing building near Everett Community College, and options for biking and walking more than driving. Also, Pat Sisneros from Everett Community College was there to answer questions from the college’s perspective. 

Thanks to our new Everett City Council Liaison Judy Tuohy for joining us!

Thanks to Officer Roberto and Sergeant Braley for representing Everett Police.

More details in the minutes that Kristina took here. Tell her thanks next time you see her. 🙂