June 2024 Meeting Notes

Quick notes:

One guest included Laura from Everett Parks to talk about the planned updates to the play equipment at Drew Nielsen Park. There will be an afternoon in the park on July 17 from 3:30-4:30pm to get feedback and ideas from people there. Otherwise, there is an online survey. QR codes are at the park (and I’ll post here once I find it.)

We also had a quick update about the recently submitted change to the zoning for the location of the former Waits Motel now owned by the City of Everett. It will be zoned Neighborhood Business, which also allows for housing. The hope is for a developer to replace the 25 units of the former motel with 16 townhomes.

Finally, Ryan Spivey with Everett Performance Omnium came by to talk about the upcoming bike race being held in Everett from June 28-30, 2024. The Saturday races will be held in Northwest Neighborhood.

Elections were postponed until October 2024. Holly James remains Chair, Kari Quaas remains Treasurer, and Tim Knopf remains Council of Neighborhoods rep, along with alternative Bridget Cook.

May 2023 Meeting

Ryan from Apex Racing presented on their upcoming bike race like a mini-Tour de France in Northwest Neighborhood on July 1. The route will pass by Grand Avenue Park, and Hoyt in large loops. All are welcome to watch and cheer. Learn more via their Instagram page.

Councilmember Mary Fosse provided an update on City Council as well as one from her other hat as State Representative for the 38th District.

Our featured speaker was Downtown Everett Association Board President and NW neighbor, Patrick Hall, who told us about the association, the Main Street Association, the downtown flower program, holiday lights, and more. It was great to hear about all of the good things happening downtown.

October 2o22 Meeting

Our second meeting of fall was back at Everett Community College in Whitehorse Hall, Room 105. We had social time, some announcements, and a treasurer’s report. Sargent Terpening (“Terp”) provided a police report. And, then, we watched the “Secrets and Mysteries of Bats” documentary.

September 2022 Meeting, and Native Plant Garden Event

Our first fall meeting took place at Drew Nielsen Park on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30pm. People met their neighbors, and heard about our plans for fall.
On Saturday, September 17, we planted the first phase of the native plant garden at Drew Nielsen Park! Thank you so much to our volunteers! That ground was HARD!!!

And, thank you to our Mother of All Garage Sales participants and sponsors. That money went directly to pay for plants, mulch, the irrigation system, and food to feed the volunteers. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Graphic for the Drew Nielsen Park volunteer event to plant our native garden on Saturday, September 17 from 9am to 2pm.

April 2022 Meeting, Notes, and Video

We held our annual elections, and after five years of service, Kari Quaas stepped down as chair. Here is the new leadership for Northwest.

  • Chair: Holly James
  • Vice Chair: Shelley Whitkop
  • Treasurer: Russ Kasselman
  • Treasurer Intern: Kari Quaas
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #1: Tim Knopf
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #2: Brian Hennessy
  • Council of Neighborhood Alternate: Holly James

Then, Neil Anderson gave a wonderful presentation on the History of the Mills. Lots of good memory stirring slides, and some surprises. Watch the video above for his presentation.

Finally, Mary Fosse, City Councilmember from District 1 provided an update.

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Quaas, outgoing chair

March 2022, Meeting, Notes, and Video

March 17, 2022 meeting with Deputy Mayor Nick Harper

This may have been our last Zoom meeting after two years of the pandemic. It is our plan to gather at Everett Community College in our old haunt, Whitehorse Hall Room 105 on Thursday, April 21. We are glad to have been invited back by John Olson from the college.

Kari thanked the volunteer crew for putting up the signs at Drew Nielsen Park on Saturday, March 12, 2022, and then welcomed our guests, Nick Harper, and elected official David Simpson. Port of Everett Commissioner.

Tim Knopf, Jeff Hardy, Kari Quaas, and Joni Smith after the sign installation honoring Drew Nielsen — March 12, 2022

There was a robust discussion of current events, finances, and plans for the new year.

Citizens are welcomed to attend or watch the State of Everett presentation with Mayor Cassie Franklin on Thursday, March 31, 2022. It will be held in person at Angel of the Winds Arena.

Meeting adjourned at 8pm.

February 2022 Meeting Notes, and Video


Council Update from Mary Fosse, District 1:

I-5 construction will be happening soon closing a few exits for a few weeks

You can watch the latest council meeting for updates on the Human Needs Fund, the Comprehensive Plan, the now passed Parks Plan.

Mary will be serving on the Snohomish County Regional Law and Justice Council.

Downtown Everett Association links:

Contact/Sign-up for newsletter


Donate Downtown Everett https://www.downtowneverettpartners.org/donate

Downtown Everett Community Gift Card


Downtown Everett Shopping Guide

Downtown Everett – Promotional Video

Downtown Everett – Doing Business Downtown

Main Street https://www.downtowneverettwa.org/about-main-street

Liz Stenning

Executive Director

Downtown Everett Association

425-258-0700 x 100

Matching Grant Fund Update

The annual matching amount has been reduced from $2000 to $1000. Applications are due March 7th. The Steering Committee will work out the numbers.

It was decided that we will send a formal letter to the City to express our frustration at the reduction of services, and opportunity, for the neighborhood system to function.

Treasurer’s Report

We have $10,500 in the bank, and $400 in PayPal. We are grateful to our donors who help us maintain things like Zoom, Constant Contact, storage, and provide money so that we can do projects that better our neighborhood, and grow community.

Kindly submitted,

Kari Quaas, Chair

November 18 Meeting Notes and Video

Our monthly meeting featured special guest Eileen Simmons from the Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens; and Sergeant Terpening from the Everett Police Department. We also had a council update from Paul Roberts, and a Port update from David Simpson. We closed with the soon to be new sign for Drew Nielsen Park, and our holiday lights plan for December 4.

I will add the video shortly. In the meantime, you may watch it on Facebook.

October 21 Meeting Notes and Video

For the October meeting, we had a late change of guest from Mayor Franklin to Kimberly Shelton from Everett Parks. We heard more about the updates to the recreational and open space plan the city is working on. You can provide your feedback here. Also, we got an update on the Colby Trees (aka the London Planes), and various parks throughout the city.

Holly James provided an update on Drew Nielsen Park. We have a new partnership with Pilchuck Audubon Society to build our habitat friendly space.

Paul Roberts and Scott Murphy provided updates from City Council including future budget planning.

View the video here: