NW Neighborhood News
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Our e-newsletters are the best way to stay in touch with what is happening in the neighborhood.
Being on our e-newsletter list and liking our Facebook page are the best ways to stay in touch with us. We also sometimes post to Instagram. We no longer do printed newsletters and postcards as of December 2018 when the city cut funding for that program.
If you do not currently receive our e-news but would like to, please enter your email address in the box on the right to be added to our email list.
If you’d like to submit a guest commentary, story idea, photograph, or an article for the newsletter, please email us at info@northwesteverett.org. And, if you have an interest in volunteering to tell the stories of Northwest, please let us know. We’ll add you to the communications team!
The city used to maintain our postcards and e-news, but that printing program went away at the end of 2018. Click below to view OLD notices.
View our archive of past newsletters.