Our November guest Ben Breeden was featured in Episode 1 of Everett Faith in Action (EFIA)’s video series about Engaging with Homelessness.
October Meeting Summary and Video
October 15th at 7pm – Special Guests: Whittier Principal Tony Wentworth, Evergreen Middle School Teacher and Whittier Mom Misha Hann, and Everett High School Teacher Kristin Gebert. We will get to hear what it’s like to lead, teach, and be a parent to kids while virtual learning from home due to COVID-19.
Watch the full replay on our Facebook page. There’s a report from Scott Murphy, our city council liaison, and the school update begins around 14 minutes in.
Video from May 21 Meeting
Guest: David Simpson, Port of Everett Commissioner
Additional Commentary: Scott Murphy and Paul Roberts, Everett City Councilmembers
Moderator/Host: Kari Quaas, Chair
Also, Scott Murphy provided his notes as our Neighborhood Liaison from the Everett City Council.
Everett City Council Meeting Video from April 15, 2020
Includes a financial update on the City of Everett – worth a listen.
2019 Whittier Bike to School Day
On Friday, May 17th, volunteers from the Northwest Neighborhood and Whittier PTA had no idea what to expect. We estimated around 50 students would participate in the first bike to school in partnership with the neighborhood association. It was pouring. We were a bit nervous. And, we didn’t need to be.
Over 100 students showed up with their parents, younger siblings, and adult volunteers including Everett’s Mayor Cassie Franklin. We ate snacks from Cafe Zippy, did art projects, had our bike checked by Eric from Bayside Bikes, picked up water bottle from Kulits Orthodontics, and learned about the upcoming season from the Everett AquaSox. Lots of people were under the beautifully flowering wisteria.
About 8:00 a.m. we heard from Kari Quaas, Northwest’s Chair, Jen Selders, Whittier PTA lead, and Mayor Cassie Franklin. And, then, they were off following safely behind our Everett Police escort to Whittier down Hoyt Ave. and then 10th Street. WHAT A BLAST!
Thank you to everyone who participated, our partners with Whittier PTA especially Jen Selders, Brenda White, and Whittier Principal Tony Wentworth, parents, siblings, Bayside Bikes, Kulits Orthodontics, AquaSox, Cafe Zippy and our wonderful Northwest Neighbors – Joni, Holly, Kristina, Coral, Jackie, Tim and Patrick – for greeting and cross-guarding the participants safely to Drew Nielsen Park.
May Meeting, Minutes and Photos
- 32 people attended
- The police reported and took questions
- Michael Brick from the City was our guest speaker – traffic, parking, speed bumps, narrow streets were discussed and many issues were noted that he will research and get back to those people.
- JAMAF – Japanese program at EvCC was presented by Miki Aspree of the Nippon Business Institute
- They are still seeking host families for students in July.
- C-Vines at Zippy’s on 15th Rucker talked about what’s going, wine tasting, classes and entertainment. Nice venue within our neighborhood.
Thanks to Robin for the summarized notes!
March 16 – Drew Nielsen Park Cleanup/Planting Wrap Up
What a treat!!
2018 Holiday Decorating Winners
Congratulations to this year’s winners! And, really, there are honorable mentions all around for each and every house that participated. The neighborhood looks awesome! Bring on the light.
Best Decorated – 1009 Rucker – Joe!
Best Decorated – 203 Skyline Drive
Best Daytime Decorated – 1824 Oakes
Best Daytime Decorated – 1505 Rockefeller
Best Small House – 1404 Hoyt
Honorable Mention – 1312 Colby
Special Category – 1616 Wetmore
THANKS ALL!! Merry Christmas!
Everett Police Newsflash – Malicious Mischief on July 3rd.
Everett Police is investigating the malicious mischief incident that occurred on July 3rd in the 1600 – 1900 blocks of Lombard Ave.
Just after 10 p.m. on July 3rd, officers responded to the 1700 block of Lombard Ave on the report of a female damaging a vehicle. Officers found the damaged vehicle and witnesses pointed out a 35 year-old female walking away. During the following investigation, officers found over 30 parked vehicles in the 1600 – 1900 blocks of Lombard Ave with damage. Each vehicle had a varied amount of damage and many will need repair. The woman was arrested and booked for malicious mischief.
Property Crimes detectives are canvassing the area and looking to identify all victims of this incident. If you were victimized, or have information about this incident, please contact Captain Jeraud Irving (425-754-2130).
We encourage you to share this information with your neighbors.