Our March meeting was held on Thursday the 18th. We heard an update from Ryan Bisson on Rethink Transit and Commissioner Tom Stiger and Cat Soper from the Port of Everett. We also heard from Paul Roberts, who filled in for our City Council Liaison report, a Council of Neighborhoods update from Tim Knopf, and we went over plans for this spring and summer.
Ryan Bisson : Online Survey: https://rethinket.participate.online/
Meeting: March 25th at 1pm, Director Tom Hinkston, and Roland Behee will be doing a Facebook Livestream about the transit plan.
April 5th is the end of the survey collection.
Red Cross Homes Made Safer info: https://www.redcross.org/local/washington/about-us/our-work/home-fire-campaign.html
Cat Soper - Port of Everett : Thank you all - my contact info here if you ever have Port questions - catherines@portofeverett.com or 425.388.0680
Patrick Hall : www.downtowneverettwa.org/donate
We voted to donate $250 to the downtown Everett planter program.
We did a straw poll for the Mother of All Garage Sales and people are interested in making it happen for August 7, 2021.
Finally, we will be doing a modified Easter Egg Hunt at all three of our parks – Grand Avenue, The Bluff at Legion and Drew Nielsen. Details here – https://northwesteverett.org/events/
Modified Easter Egg Hunt happening Saturday, April 3rd at 10 am SHARP! Ages 1-10 welcome.
After many months without, we welcomed Lt. Ryan Dalberg to join us for a Everett Police Report. He covered some statistics related to property crimes and theft, which is typical for our part of town. He also answered questions tied to numbers of officers (steady, but many lateral additions in the last 6 months), whether or not social workers are still going out on patrols (yes!), if COVID-19 has affected many officers (yes and no – usually tied to childcare – they can get the vaccine so many have been illness-free). There was kudos for the quick and professional service, too. And, there was an attempt to learn what would happen if people decided to attach locks to the Grand Avenue Park Bridge to settle a marital dispute. You’ll have to watch the video for the full answer (see below), but in short, in could be crime.
There was also a question tied to the insurrection in D.C. and how Everett PD is handling it. The answer from both Lt. Dalberg and Councilmember Paul Roberts was that Everett has been ahead of the training on de-escalation and no tolerance for that kind of behavior. If you have further questions, you could certainly reach out to Lt. Dalberg or Police Chief Dan Templeman.
We then heard from Councilmember Paul Roberts, who was filling in for our official liaison, Councilmember Scott Murphy. He referenced the 6 comprehensive strategies that came out of their council retreat in the first part of February 2021. See image below.
Paul also covered the votes the previous evening at the council meeting regarding the pallet shelter grant and subsequent amendments. You can view the meeting here and view about the project here.
Next, Misha Hann from Whittier PTA gave us an update on who is actually in school. Currently, Kindergarten and First Grade are able to do a hybrid schedule, at the parent’s comfort level, to have them be in school for two days, and then home doing asynchronous work on the other three. There is a plan for Second and Third Graders to go back around March 1 and possible Fourth and Fifth Graders by later in March.
Separately, she covered the fundraiser that Whittier PTA is doing to help all of the Fifth Graders be able to attend camp in the fall. You can buy See’s Candy to help raise money here, or simply connect with Whittier PTA to make a donation. Email them with questions – ptawhittierelementary@gmail.com.
Click to buy candy and support the Whittier PTA goals for 5th Grade Camp.
We also heard from Tim Knopf regarding the refurbishment plan that he and Holly James have worked up for the Information Board at Drew Nielsen Neighborhood Park.
The east side would reflect more information about Drew Nielsen, his importance, the park itself, the Northwest Neighborhood Association, and the other parks in our neighborhood. The west side would be for announcements from the neighborhood and open to public postings.
Russ Kasselman, our Treasurer, provided a visual update of our finances, which total $5966 in our three accounts.
We closed with other questions, announcement and met a new neighbor. Great stuff.
On Friday, May 17th, volunteers from the Northwest Neighborhood and Whittier PTA had no idea what to expect. We estimated around 50 students would participate in the first bike to school in partnership with the neighborhood association. It was pouring. We were a bit nervous. And, we didn’t need to be.
Over 100 students showed up with their parents, younger siblings, and adult volunteers including Everett’s Mayor Cassie Franklin. We ate snacks from Cafe Zippy, did art projects, had our bike checked by Eric from Bayside Bikes, picked up water bottle from Kulits Orthodontics, and learned about the upcoming season from the Everett AquaSox. Lots of people were under the beautifully flowering wisteria.
About 8:00 a.m. we heard from Kari Quaas, Northwest’s Chair, Jen Selders, Whittier PTA lead, and Mayor Cassie Franklin. And, then, they were off following safely behind our Everett Police escort to Whittier down Hoyt Ave. and then 10th Street. WHAT A BLAST!
Thank you to everyone who participated, our partners with Whittier PTA especially Jen Selders, Brenda White, and Whittier Principal Tony Wentworth, parents, siblings, Bayside Bikes, Kulits Orthodontics, AquaSox, Cafe Zippy and our wonderful Northwest Neighbors – Joni, Holly, Kristina, Coral, Jackie, Tim and Patrick – for greeting and cross-guarding the participants safely to Drew Nielsen Park.
Tis’ the season to Deck the Halls and raise money for 5th grade camp! Our neighborhood school, Whittier Elementary is selling holiday wreaths, poinsettias, garlands and swags from our local Stadium Flowers to send next year’s 5th graders to Camp Kiloqua. The attached order form and payment can be dropped off at Dotti Fickel’s mail slot at 1705 Hoyt Ave. Wreaths will be delivered on December 1st to your door unless otherwise arranged. Please contact Karen Zulinke at 425-293-1019 with any questions. Please consider purchasing some holiday decor and supporting 5th grade camp!