
NW Neighborhood Association

The Northwest Neighborhood Association of Everett, WA, is a non-profit community organization founded by neighbors to build community in August 1990. The NWNA aims to provide and promote programs, services, and activities to encourage connections between neighbors, enhance our neighborhood, and foster civic involvement in our community.

Everett’s Northwest Neighborhood covers a large and diverse area, stretching from 19th Street northward to West Marine View Drive, and from Broadway westward to Port Gardner Bay, including the marina and waterfront north of 19th Street.

The Northwest neighborhood offers tree lined streets, historic homes, two waterfront view parks and is an environment where the sidewalks are never short of walkers and joggers, friends talking, and families on the move. It is a changing neighborhood that works at balancing the integrity of the past and the challenges of the future.

Neighborhood Meetings & Social Hour

Northwest Neighborhood monthly meetings offer the opportunity for you to meet others who live in this spectacular Everett neighborhood. It’s a terrific place to share ideas and concerns. Meetings are typically held the third Thursday of the month (except July, August, and December) at 6:30pm. The gatherings are held on the campus of Everett Community College, Whitehorse Hall, Room #105. View notes from past meetings.

Steering Committee

The NW Neighborhood Association is only as strong as its volunteers — volunteers who work together to enrich our community, foster change and keep us all informed about City issues. And volunteers who like to have some fun!

The NW Neighborhood Association has focused on creating community for over 30 years. Here is your chance to be a part of it – volunteer to be a member of the neighborhood board!

Chairperson – Schedule, publicize, and conduct monthly meetings; liaison with the Office of Neighborhoods; delegate responsibilities among officers and committee members; oversee neighborhood projects.

Vice-Chairperson – Assist the Chairperson with meetings, help organize neighborhood projects, stand in for the Chairperson as needed.

Secretary – Take minutes of monthly meetings and steering committee meetings.

Treasurer – Manage mini-grant monies and the neighborhood bank account.

Council of Neighborhoods Representative (2 positions and one alternate) – Represent the NW Neighborhood at the monthly Council of Neighborhoods meetings, present a report at the monthly meeting.

The Northwest Neighborhood is run by a steering committee made up of Board Members and other community members.

Community members are also invited to volunteer for any of our neighborhood events. Other volunteer opportunities include newsletter production, website maintenance, and researching and scheduling speakers for our neighborhood meetings.

So volunteer – it’s a great way to get to know your neighbors and to give back to your community!

Have any questions? Email us: