June 2024 Meeting Notes

Quick notes:

One guest included Laura from Everett Parks to talk about the planned updates to the play equipment at Drew Nielsen Park. There will be an afternoon in the park on July 17 from 3:30-4:30pm to get feedback and ideas from people there. Otherwise, there is an online survey. QR codes are at the park (and I’ll post here once I find it.)

We also had a quick update about the recently submitted change to the zoning for the location of the former Waits Motel now owned by the City of Everett. It will be zoned Neighborhood Business, which also allows for housing. The hope is for a developer to replace the 25 units of the former motel with 16 townhomes.

Finally, Ryan Spivey with Everett Performance Omnium came by to talk about the upcoming bike race being held in Everett from June 28-30, 2024. The Saturday races will be held in Northwest Neighborhood.

Elections were postponed until October 2024. Holly James remains Chair, Kari Quaas remains Treasurer, and Tim Knopf remains Council of Neighborhoods rep, along with alternative Bridget Cook.

April 2023 Meeting and Elections

Election for Board Members

Elections were held at our April 20, 2023 meeting and the results were as follows:

  • Holly James, Chair,
  • Vacant, Vice Chair
  • Vacant/(Acting) Kari Quaas, Secretary
  • Kari Quaas, Treasurer &
  • Tim Knopf, and Vacant, 2 Council of Neighborhood Representatives, plus Alternate Bridget Cook

Thank you to Shelley Whitkop and Brian Hennessey who served from 2021 to 2022.

See details at this link for descriptions of responsibilities: https://northwesteverett.org/about/association/ – if you are interested in a part year term. We welcome all neighbors to join our band of dedicated folks!

Our featured speaker for this evening was outgoing City Council President and NW neighbor, Brenda Stonecipher. We talked about crime, the Waits Motel, how to get involved, and other updates from City Council.

April 2022 Meeting, Notes, and Video

We held our annual elections, and after five years of service, Kari Quaas stepped down as chair. Here is the new leadership for Northwest.

  • Chair: Holly James
  • Vice Chair: Shelley Whitkop
  • Treasurer: Russ Kasselman
  • Treasurer Intern: Kari Quaas
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #1: Tim Knopf
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #2: Brian Hennessy
  • Council of Neighborhood Alternate: Holly James

Then, Neil Anderson gave a wonderful presentation on the History of the Mills. Lots of good memory stirring slides, and some surprises. Watch the video above for his presentation.

Finally, Mary Fosse, City Councilmember from District 1 provided an update.

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Quaas, outgoing chair

April Meeting Summary and Video

Our meeting was held Thursday, April 15 at 7pm. We held elections for our Northwest Neighborhood Association leadership.

The results of the elections are as follows:

  • Chair – Kari Quaas
  • Vice-Chair – Holly James
  • Secretary (aka Scribe) – Kari Quaas
  • Treasurer – Russ Kasselman
  • Council of Neighborhood Representative – Tim Knopf
  • Council of Neighborhood Representative – John Sweeney
  • Council of Neighborhood Alternate – Kari Quaas

Thank you to all of them for their service to Northwest Neighbors!

Kari reported on a successful Easter Egg Hunt at the three parks – Legion, Grand Avenue and Drew Nielsen. We may split it up for future years to keep the crowds down and enjoy our neighborhood.

Paul Roberts provided a city council update in place of Brenda Stonecipher. The work on the budget for 2022 has begun.

Kari shared that Jerry Smith had passed on April 4 (Easter Sunday) and we heard reflections from long time neighbors Holly, Jackie and Tim about Jerry’s influence and care of Joni.

Tim provided an update on the Council of Neighborhoods.

We heard lots of updates on upcoming events and brainstormed ideas for the next two meetings including mental health and an event update from the city. Kari will reach out to speakers.

Misha provided an educational update. Secondary school will be starting up next Monday! High school students will also return for hybrid learning.

April Meeting, Minutes and Summary

First off, congratulations and gratitude for our 2019/2020 Neighborhood Leadership Team!

Chair: Kari Quaas
Vice Chair: Holly James
Secretary: Stephanie Prothero
Treasurer: Russ Kasselman 
Council of Neighborhood Reps:
Robin Rigdon and John Sweeney

Thanks for stepping up to lead our awesome neighborhood! And huge thanks to Kristina Perry for her three years of service as Secretary! And, also big thanks to Joni and MaryVee, and Jeff for being the welcoming committee. Our Steering Committee rocks!

Second, we had a bevy of speakers this evening. Thanks to Officer Baumgartner of the 11th Beat. Thanks to Council Members Scott Bader (official liaison) and Paul Roberts for greater city and regional updates. Thanks to Lori Cummings and Bob Leonard from Everett Parks and Community Services for the discussion of our neighborhood parks, particularly Drew Nielsen. Thanks to Megan Dunn from Everett Districts Nowfor more information about the commission to decide Everett’s future district boundaries. And, huge thanks to Tim Knopf for his rousing history of our park namesake and early neighborhood leader, Drew Nielsen.

I’ve attached some photos of tonight’s meeting and will separately post videos of Parks and Tim’s Who’s Drew?

Thanks for an awesome two years so far! I look forward to building more community in the year to come. ♥️

— Kari

View Meeting Minutes here.