October 2o22 Meeting

Our second meeting of fall was back at Everett Community College in Whitehorse Hall, Room 105. We had social time, some announcements, and a treasurer’s report. Sargent Terpening (“Terp”) provided a police report. And, then, we watched the “Secrets and Mysteries of Bats” documentary.

September 2022 Meeting, and Native Plant Garden Event

Our first fall meeting took place at Drew Nielsen Park on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30pm. People met their neighbors, and heard about our plans for fall.
On Saturday, September 17, we planted the first phase of the native plant garden at Drew Nielsen Park! Thank you so much to our volunteers! That ground was HARD!!!

And, thank you to our Mother of All Garage Sales participants and sponsors. That money went directly to pay for plants, mulch, the irrigation system, and food to feed the volunteers. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Graphic for the Drew Nielsen Park volunteer event to plant our native garden on Saturday, September 17 from 9am to 2pm.

2022 Mother of All Garage Sales was a street party of shoppers

Shoppers rule the day at the 2022 Mother of All Garage Sales held on August 6. The weather was with us this year, COVID numbers were down, and treasures were found by many.

Thanks for joining us! Please know that this fundraiser helped fund the native plant garden we will install this fall.

We look forward to doing it again on Saturday, August 5, 2023!

2022 NW Neighborhood Cleanup A Success

The NORTHWEST clean up happened on Saturday, June 18 from 10-2pm at Everett Community College. Thanks to everyone who came to help keep our neighborhood clean. And, thanks to everyone who donated to help us cover the costs. We’ll provide a wrap up once the event is settled. On the day, we took in $880 in donations. THANKS!

Our Guidelines

Who: ONLY NW Neighborhood Neighbors. ID will be required and checked. You
MUST live with in our boundaries to dump. $10 donation is requested.
When: Saturday, June 18th. Rain or Shine! 10am to 2 pm or until dumpsters are full!
Where: EvCC Parking Lot next to White Horse Hall. Corner of 10th and Broadway.
(982 Broadway) Same parking lot as last year.
What: Junk & debris, Yard Waste, Furniture, and wood scrap.

Download the What We Take Flyer:

Download the Electronics Recycling Flyer:

June 2022 Meeting Video, and Notes

Our special guest for the June meeting was Becky McCrary from the City of Everett to talk about the Comprehensive Plan from 2024 to 2044. Everett is expected to take on around 60-70 thousand people.

We also got a council report from Brenda Stonecipher.

As before, we broadcast the meeting to Facebook so you can watch the replay below.


May 2022 Meeting Notes, Video

Special Guest: Brad Chenoweth, Everett Parks Department – Topic: Native Plant Garden

We were back at Everett Community College, Whitehorse Hall, Room 105 at 6:30pm for our second in person meeting with coffee and cookies. For those who wanted to watch virtually, we had the Zoom Meeting up, and livestreamed it to our Facebook page.

Brad reviewed the planting plan, species, and timing for the plan. As a group, we voted to move forward with this plan in two phases, and that the fundraising from the 2022 Mother of All Garage Sales will fund phase 1.

He also addressed the trees on Colby, and the plan is to plant three species of trees – beech, elm, and one more into the half block of 1700 Colby.

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Quaas, Treasurer

April 2022 Meeting, Notes, and Video

We held our annual elections, and after five years of service, Kari Quaas stepped down as chair. Here is the new leadership for Northwest.

  • Chair: Holly James
  • Vice Chair: Shelley Whitkop
  • Treasurer: Russ Kasselman
  • Treasurer Intern: Kari Quaas
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #1: Tim Knopf
  • Council of Neighborhood Rep #2: Brian Hennessy
  • Council of Neighborhood Alternate: Holly James

Then, Neil Anderson gave a wonderful presentation on the History of the Mills. Lots of good memory stirring slides, and some surprises. Watch the video above for his presentation.

Finally, Mary Fosse, City Councilmember from District 1 provided an update.

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Quaas, outgoing chair

23rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt A Success!

On Saturday, April 16, 2022, we hosted an Easter Egg Hunt at all three parks – Grand Avenue, Drew Nielsen, and Legion. We started at 10am and at least for Legion Park, we were done finding eggs and handing out prizes by 10:18am! The weather was nice, the kiddos were cute with bunny ears and festive baskets. And, the parents got a chance to catch up. Thanks for joining us and we’ll do it again next year!

March 2022, Meeting, Notes, and Video

March 17, 2022 meeting with Deputy Mayor Nick Harper

This may have been our last Zoom meeting after two years of the pandemic. It is our plan to gather at Everett Community College in our old haunt, Whitehorse Hall Room 105 on Thursday, April 21. We are glad to have been invited back by John Olson from the college.

Kari thanked the volunteer crew for putting up the signs at Drew Nielsen Park on Saturday, March 12, 2022, and then welcomed our guests, Nick Harper, and elected official David Simpson. Port of Everett Commissioner.

Tim Knopf, Jeff Hardy, Kari Quaas, and Joni Smith after the sign installation honoring Drew Nielsen — March 12, 2022

There was a robust discussion of current events, finances, and plans for the new year.

Citizens are welcomed to attend or watch the State of Everett presentation with Mayor Cassie Franklin on Thursday, March 31, 2022. It will be held in person at Angel of the Winds Arena.

Meeting adjourned at 8pm.