February 2022 Meeting Notes, and Video


Council Update from Mary Fosse, District 1:

I-5 construction will be happening soon closing a few exits for a few weeks

You can watch the latest council meeting for updates on the Human Needs Fund, the Comprehensive Plan, the now passed Parks Plan.

Mary will be serving on the Snohomish County Regional Law and Justice Council.

Downtown Everett Association links:

Contact/Sign-up for newsletter


Donate Downtown Everett https://www.downtowneverettpartners.org/donate

Downtown Everett Community Gift Card


Downtown Everett Shopping Guide

Downtown Everett – Promotional Video

Downtown Everett – Doing Business Downtown

Main Street https://www.downtowneverettwa.org/about-main-street

Liz Stenning

Executive Director

Downtown Everett Association

425-258-0700 x 100

Matching Grant Fund Update

The annual matching amount has been reduced from $2000 to $1000. Applications are due March 7th. The Steering Committee will work out the numbers.

It was decided that we will send a formal letter to the City to express our frustration at the reduction of services, and opportunity, for the neighborhood system to function.

Treasurer’s Report

We have $10,500 in the bank, and $400 in PayPal. We are grateful to our donors who help us maintain things like Zoom, Constant Contact, storage, and provide money so that we can do projects that better our neighborhood, and grow community.

Kindly submitted,

Kari Quaas, Chair