2024 MOAGS in the books

With near record breaking participation by neighbors, with over 102 on the map plus more, we consider this year’s garage sale a huge success. THANK YOU for joining or supporting us!

Our Mother of All Garage Sales was a HUGE success!

With funds raised from neighbors, our sponsors, plant sale donations, and dues, we are excited to have placed an order for a interpretive sign to be installed at Drew Nielsen Park this fall. The artwork has been done by Larry Eifert from Port Townsend. We cannot wait to see it installed.

We know we’re good because our treasurer Kari felt good about writing the check for the sign. 😉 We’ll share in our e-news when it will be installed and we’ll toast with some apple cider. Cheers to us!!

Native Plant Garden Phase 2 Planted!

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, the gardening ladies (plus Liam) of the Northwest Neighborhood took to the dirt and planted the new phase of the native plant garden planting day at Drew Nielsen Park.

Take a look next time you walk or cruise by the park. It is delightful.

We are so grateful for the support the neighborhood has shown by contributing funds, and time, and supporting Mother of All Garage Sales in 2023.

Major kudos to our immediate park neighbors, Northwest Chair Holly James, and Jenny Gialenes, for keeping us on track and getting this done. Also, thanks to Brad Chenoweth from Everett Parks for stewarding our project at the city.


September 2022 Meeting, and Native Plant Garden Event

Our first fall meeting took place at Drew Nielsen Park on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30pm. People met their neighbors, and heard about our plans for fall.
On Saturday, September 17, we planted the first phase of the native plant garden at Drew Nielsen Park! Thank you so much to our volunteers! That ground was HARD!!!

And, thank you to our Mother of All Garage Sales participants and sponsors. That money went directly to pay for plants, mulch, the irrigation system, and food to feed the volunteers. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Graphic for the Drew Nielsen Park volunteer event to plant our native garden on Saturday, September 17 from 9am to 2pm.

May 2022 Meeting Notes, Video

Special Guest: Brad Chenoweth, Everett Parks Department – Topic: Native Plant Garden

We were back at Everett Community College, Whitehorse Hall, Room 105 at 6:30pm for our second in person meeting with coffee and cookies. For those who wanted to watch virtually, we had the Zoom Meeting up, and livestreamed it to our Facebook page.

Brad reviewed the planting plan, species, and timing for the plan. As a group, we voted to move forward with this plan in two phases, and that the fundraising from the 2022 Mother of All Garage Sales will fund phase 1.

He also addressed the trees on Colby, and the plan is to plant three species of trees – beech, elm, and one more into the half block of 1700 Colby.

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Quaas, Treasurer