2024 MOAGS in the books

With near record breaking participation by neighbors, with over 102 on the map plus more, we consider this year’s garage sale a huge success. THANK YOU for joining or supporting us!

Our Mother of All Garage Sales was a HUGE success!

With funds raised from neighbors, our sponsors, plant sale donations, and dues, we are excited to have placed an order for a interpretive sign to be installed at Drew Nielsen Park in the spring of 2025. The artwork has been done by Larry Eifert from Port Townsend. We cannot wait to see it installed.

We know we’re good because our treasurer Kari felt good about writing the check for the sign. 😉 We will share in our e-news when it will be installed, and we will toast with some apple cider. Cheers to us!!

2023 Mother of All Garage Sales Registration OPEN

It’s game on to prepare for the August 5 event. Clean out those garages. Make some lemonade. And, don’t forget to register! The early bird deadline is Thursday, July 27. Click the button to support our efforts in the neighborhood and help us raise money for phase 2 of the Drew Nielsen Park Native Plant Garden.

2022 Mother of All Garage Sales was a street party of shoppers

Shoppers rule the day at the 2022 Mother of All Garage Sales held on August 6. The weather was with us this year, COVID numbers were down, and treasures were found by many.

Thanks for joining us! Please know that this fundraiser helped fund the native plant garden we will install this fall.

We look forward to doing it again on Saturday, August 5, 2023!

June Meeting Notes, Video and Slideshow

The June 17 meeting focused on summer safety including a discussion about the racing and loud cars that hang out at the marina and cruise beyond the speed limit through our neighborhood streets. The short answer is to call 911 to get the incident logged. Patrols increase when we tell them that something is wrong. Don’t hesitate to make a report.

We also heard directly Mateo an RN and NW neighbor about the impact of one of the negotiating pieces – staff at Providence Hospital paying for parking. Likely, it would mean more cars on the street. Remember, blocks of residents can petition the city to have parking time limits on their blocks utilizing parking permits. It’s up to them to file for such a change. Email the neighborhood with any questions. You can pick up signs to support the healthcare staff at 1607 Rockerfeller Ave from Matt’s house.

We also had a spontaneous report from our State Senator June Robinson on the historic and productive legislative session.

We hear from Everett City Councilmember Paul Roberts about the budget, Rethink Housing and Transit updates, and progress on the Climate Change Action Plan including Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure.

Emily shared that there is a summer reading program with the library and netbooks and wifi/hotspots can be rented for three weeks at a time via the Everett Public Library. More information here.

Also, this was the last meeting until September. We’re taking the summer off!

Kari shared the various events happening in Northwest this summer and we hope to see people out and about, vaccinated and masked if needed for the environment.

June 23rd – ribbon cutting for new fishing dock near the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal.

Enjoy the summer! And, here’s the video replay:

May Meeting Summary and Video

Video replay from May 20, 2021

Thanks to Tyler Chism with the City of Everett for sharing about summer events like Sorticulture, the Fourth of July, and more! We also welcomed our new Everett City Council Liaison, Brenda Stonecipher.

We chose a date for the first Mother of All Garage Sales committee meeting and we’re a go for 2021 on Saturday, August 7th! Registration information coming soon.