Our friends and neighbors Joni and Jerry Smith could use your help:
Jerry was diagnosed with Acute Myloid Lukemia (AML) – Blood & Bone Marrow Cancer, on September 19th, 2020.
Jerry’s cancer is “extremely aggressive” according to the doctors. He already has had two rounds of chemo and 15 blood transfusions along with multiple Platelet transfusions.
These blood transfusion have LITERALLY kept Jerry alive!! As a result, his family wanted to do something to honor their dad. (Too often, it seems, we wait until people pass before we express our love, gratitude and appreciation for those who have impacted us.)
So, in Jerry’s honor, and the HUGE impact he has had on so many Bloodworks Northwest will open to offer donations specifically in honor of Jerry.
Let’s express our gratitude and love for Jerry and all he has meant in our lives.

DATE: Sunday, November 29th, 2020
TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (There is no football that day, for those who watch)
LOCATION: 2703 Oakes Ave. Everett, WA 98201
* * Due to COVID, IT IS REQUIRED THAT YOU REGISTER IN ADVANCE. We would be honored if you would join us in giving.
To give blood will take less than an hour!
Here is the LINK TO REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE in the BLOOD DRIVE FOR JERRY SMITH: https://schedule.bloodworksnw.org/DonorPortal/GroupLanding.aspx?s=676B
If you don’t feel comfortable registering online, you can also call the donation center directly, at 800-398-7888.
Registering is easy! We hope you will join us!
Here is a link, if you wonder if you are eligible – https://www.bloodworksnw.org/donate/eligibility
We hope to see you on the 29th! I should be there all day and can’t wait to thank you!
~ Jen Avellaneda (Jerry and Joni’s daughter)
Please share this with your neighbors: but don’t let Jerry know. We want to surprise him with all the donations.